New work by Antonio Filipo, Leilani Kake, Sean Kerrigan, Mele Penitani, Genevieve Pini and Siliga David Setoga at Fresh Gallery Otara | November 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tino Rangatira Tanga

Leilani Kake's new video installation is called Tino Rangatira Tanga.

She says, "My beautiful father, Richard Kake, passed away this April 2008. He is a man that embodies Tino Rangatira Tanga, and surrounded himself with the love of music, whanau and Te Ao Maori."
Tino Rangatira Tanga is a poignant and emotionally loaded three screened video installation that speaks to the power of waiata / Maori song depicting a beautiful homage to an amazing man and the community and cultural landscape he draws from.

Leilani Kake's 2007 work, Ariki is in the group exhibition, Le Folauga organised by Tautai Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust, opening at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan on 13 December 2008. Le Folauga runs until 5 April 2009.

Coming together...

Antonio Filipo's new work, YNOT (200) series

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pigs can fly!!

Hi guys I hope everyone is doing good!!

Well this is my stuff that I've been working on. Just some rough ideas of what I want to do for this show and all I'm doing is responding to the theme 'Meat & Lollies.' For me Meat & Lollies is basically food that Pacific Islanders love to eat so my work has some parody in it and I definitely don't want to be all serious about it and take the arty farty approach. At first I really didn't know what to do and where to start so I just started with the obvious - the theme: Meat & Lollies.

Not far from work is a cool Chinese restaurant where I eat my pork on rice for lunch. They have duck as well but man the pork on rice is the best!! I would go there and they know straight away what my order is - 'pork on rye' (thats what it sounds like to me). Sometimes I have wontons and they always ask if I want to order some. Well anyways that was me everyday pork on rice for lunch. Now I eat subway for lunch and I'm eating the Veggie Delight sub - its pretty good. My workmate is a vegetarian and to be honest I don't know how they do it. We would talk about what kind of food we eat, why we eat it and all that stuff. Haha its funny cos I don't think I can live without meat. I'm a P.I and thats just apart of who we are - we are MEAT EATERS!! But eating healthy once in a while is cool and I told my mate that I won't have my pork on rye everyday now hehe!!

So thats how I came up with 'I will never eat pork again.' I was thinking about pork and saying to myself I will never eat pork again over and over. The more I said it, the more I knew I was lying to myself. So I scribbled the phrase in my book and drew a flying pig as to say: look at me I'm a flying pig!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008